Hi! Welcome to Decision Tree 101

Today, you will train a model
to identify if a tree is an oak, apple or a cherry tree.

Explore one of the supervised machine learning model:
The Decision Tree

Decision Trees

The unreasonable power of nested decision rules.

Let's Build a Decision Tree

Let's pretend we're farmers with a new plot of land. Given only the Diameter and Height of a tree trunk, we must determine if it's an Apple, Cherry, or Oak tree.

To do this, we'll use a Decision Tree.

Start Splitting

Almost every tree with a Diameter ≥ 0.45 is an Oak tree! We can assume, that any other tree in that region will also be one.

This first decision node will act as our root node. We'll draw a vertical line at this Diameter and classify everything above it as Oak (our first leaf node), and continue to partition our remaining data on the left.

Split Some More

We continue along, hoping to split our plot of land. Creating a new decision node at Height ≤ 4.88 leads to a nice section of Cherry trees, so we partition our data there.

Our Decision Tree updates accordingly, adding a new leaf node for Cherry.

And Some More

We are now left with many Apple and some Cherry trees.
No problem: we'll partition to separate the Apple trees a bit better.

Once again, our Decision Tree updates accordingly.

And Yet Some More

The remaining region just needs a further horizontal division and boom - our job is done! We've obtained an optimal set of nested decisions.

That said, some regions still enclose a few misclassified points. Should we continue splitting, partitioning into smaller sections?


Don't Go Too Deep!

Going deep will complicate our tree by learning from the noise resulting in overfiting.

Does this ring familiar?
It is the well known The Bias Variance Tradeoff, so we'll stop here.

We're done! We can pass new data to classify them as either an Apple, Cherry, or Oak tree!

Reason to Go Beyond Decision Trees

Decision trees have a tendency to overfit.

Random Forests address this by aggregating multiple decision trees with different subsets,
reducing overfitting and enhancing overall performance.

Random Forests

This approach shows how the majority vote and well-placed randomness can enhance the
decision tree model.

Random Forest

Build Multiple trees

With the Bagging method, samples are drawn randomly with replacement from the training set to build multiple distinct trees.

Each tree produces a prediction.

Majority vote

Despite one tree suggesting "no crossing," the majority support "yes," culminating in a "yes" prediction.

It's your turn!

Click the data points to see predictions.

Observe that while the trees make the same prediction, their decision paths differ.


You have successfully completed the training on
the decision trees and random forests.